JEA Main Street WTP & 储层替换



环评署曾发现圣巴巴拉以南水质恶化. 约翰河, they launched their total water management plan to move abundant supply water from the north of the river to the south. 在开发了风险分配矩阵之后, JEA选择澳门足彩app, 一个成熟的合作伙伴, to improve water quality and distribution through progressive design-build project delivery.


With excessive deterioration of the 100-year-old reservoir attributed to elevated hydrogen sulfide (H2S) levels, the project team conducted an evaluation that examined several possible treatment solutions to remove H2S in the raw water. 在评估, JEA and 澳门足彩app chose to design and build an advanced ozone treatment system and to add finished water capacity.


硫化氢的去除不仅有助于JEA, 但它也有利于周围的杰克逊维尔市中心社区. 随着杰克逊维尔市重新关注市中心的发展, the upgraded water treatment facility will support an influx of new condos, 公园和社区市场, 以及振兴斯普林菲尔德市中心的历史街区.

  • 新的侧流臭氧系统
  • 新建3座.0 MG pre-stressed concrete water storage tank with dome and appurtenances
  • 进气管道施工, 堆场管道和阀门连接到新的储罐和现有的管道
  • Installation of a new PLC and integration of the controls with the existing operating PLC


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